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Individually You can book a bike, boat, ticket for canalcruises online.

Small and larger groups, package-deals can be booked:


At webshop No reservation costs and usually the best (cheaper) price


Per mail


By telephone: 0031-6-44070034

When booking, specify: name, address, postal code, city, phone number, mail address, date, and number of people split to adults and children (ages) and any additionals such as life jacket etc.

General terms and conditions

This shall not apply to bookings holiday homes. Go to bookingterms holiday homes.

Sending your booking mail you declare to be familiar with our terms and conditions and the uniform conditions for the hotel and catering industry (UVH). All our services (catering, boat rental, boat tours) of the Royal Horeca Netherlands, apply this UVH which we are affiliated under membership number 305353. A number of important cancellation terms can be read at the bottom of this page. You can find the full UVH here.

After receiving your booking you will receive a confirmation by mail including details reservations and payment terms.

€5,-Per booking-reservation fee will be charged (no booking fee if ordered via the webshop)

Within 10 days after receipt of the confirmation a down payment has to be made of at least 35% of the total (estimated) amount with a minimum of €50,-- per booking.

Remaining amount (if desired also by bank transfer in advance) and refreshments on the spot in cash or pins. Subsequent payment is not possible

Reserved mopeds, solexen, whisper and rooms (nights) have to be paid totally in advance.

Your reservation is final only when the deposit has been paid. When you do not pay on time, you will receive a reminder. None respondance to the reminder will lead to automatic cancellation without any further notice.

For package deals matching a month or less before arrival, full payment is requiered.

Reduction of the number of persons you can pass for free up to 2 working days in advance, however, with a margin of max. 10% of the last known specified number of (they must comply with the minimum number for the relevant arrangement). Exception: for REVISION NUMBER of MOPEDS and SOLEXEN are SUBJECT to a period of 4 DAYS

For SEGWAY the following provisions shall apply: If a tour and or rent had been canceled, or changed, per tour and or rent the following fee will be charged, unless otherwise agreed:
a. in case of cancellation more than 6 weeks before the time at which the tour and whether rent would commence, 10 percent of the rental fee will be charged;
b. in case of cancellation more than 2 weeks prior to tour or rent will take place 50% of the rental amount;
c. in case of cancellation more than 3 days before the time of tour/rent 90% of the hire cost;
Cancellations must be received in writing (mail or email) and dated.

At bicycle rent and hire of whisper boats and canoe solexen s, recommended, mopeds, you need to fill out a lease and provide proof of identity with driver's license, passport or identity card

Increase in the number of people is passed on at all times

RAIN IS NOT A VALID REASON FOR CANCELLATION (you can also find cancellation provisions in the UVH). Bad weather alternative: When it rains and you have a whisper boat reserved than we provide standard a covered boat trip. Depending on the type of "bad weather" in consultation with you we make a suitable alternative.

For arrangements with cycling: number of reserved bikes always will be charged, even when you deside not to go cycling due to bad weather.

Being late can affect: parts of the program may expire without a refund

Changes/cancellation in the posted program in consultation and if possible; €25,-for-change fee calculated

Terms bike rental

The landlord shall be deemed to have delivered the products in good condition. The tenant shall be deemed to have received in good and safe products, tenant is obliged to inspect the bicycle on delivery

You should take care of the product as reasonably may be expected of you and you keep the product in your possession until the end of the lease. It is not allowed to the leased property unattended. You lose your right to a refund of the paid deposit. In the case of early return, the rental amount, as agreed at the start of the agreement

Tenant is responsible for damage to the bicycle and will repair expenses and pay the necessary replacement of damaged parts. Repair costs shall also be charged to lessee

It is forbidden to lend or rented to a third party

If the product during rental period under your responsibility missing/stolen tenant directly should report this. Tenant remains liable for the new value of the rented product. On presentation of the Declaration report, view landlord together with renter about steps to be taken. All bikes come with an approved lock with hallmark. After rental period the key/keys must be given into return. In the case of loss of one or more keys you will be €25,--will be charged per key. At loss/theft must also be handed over all keys. Tenant is responsible for the true and correct storage/stables and shutdown of the rented product. Costs will be paid by tenant

Tenant contributes at full civil liability for the damage that is being inflicted on third. Bicycle rental company not liable. Bicycle landlord is not liable for errors and accidents, originating from the self Assembly of bicycles and parts. Bicycle rental company shall not be liable/responsible for personal injury at improper use of the leased property

Terms boat rental

Tenant: Tenant obligations explains the rented boat has been received in good condition. The tenant may cede the vessel not in use without the written consent of the lessor. At the end of the rental period the tenant carries the boat over to the landlord at the agreed place and time and in the same condition as he received it, if not the landlord is entitled to costs of the tenant to recover the vessel as in the State it was in at the start of the rental period

The tenant must notify landlord when damage of any nature, or facts and/or circumstances reasonably may lead to damage, as soon as possible. The tenant must abide by the instructions of the landlord for the preservation of the vessel and to preserve the rights of the landlord. In breach of the provisions for the tenant can lead to full liability for damages and costs.

Liability: the tenant is liable for damage and/or loss of vessel and/or accessories, as far as not covered by the insurance, during the time that he the craft. Consequential damage shall is also part of this.

The lessee shall indemnify the lessor from all damage of fellow passengers or third parties, for which the lessor under the law should be liable and for which the third party insurance should be given no coverage by the landlord.

The lessee shall indemnify the lessor of all fines and administrative sanctions, transactions, etc. that may be imposed with respect to the landlord during the lease period by the tenant and/or driver and/or fellow passengers committed the crimes and offences. For such fines, transactions, administrative sanctions carries the tenant in the proportion to the landlord and also externally, as far as possible the entire risk and full responsibility and liability. This does not apply if the tenant proves that the sums owed by the landlord is a result from failure of the boat that was already present at the start of the rental.

Apply the HISWA terms and conditions rental and hire recreational craft. With signing, you declare that you have taken notice at ticket office

In case of either accidental collision either intentionally, the tenant is liable for a minimum of the excess amount of € 250,--, payable on site cash or pins. Dit kan vooraf worden meeverzekerd voor €5,-- per boot

Terms of canceling

Cancellations must be passed to us in writing or by mail
Article 9.5.2. van de UVH:
in case of cancellation more than 3 months before the time when the first agreement under the relevant catering catering service should be granted, the customer is not obliged to pay any compensation to the catering establishment with the exception of administration costs €25,--*.
in case of cancellation more than 2 months before the time, the customer is obliged to pay 15% of the reservation value to horeca-ship-leisure company
in case of cancellation more than 1 months before the said time, the customer is obliged to pay 35% of the reservation value to horeca-ship-leisure company
in case of cancellation more than 14 days before the said time, the customer is obliged to pay 60% of the reservation value to horeca-ship-leisure company
in case of cancellation more than 7 days before the said time, the customer is obliged to pay 85% of the reservation value to horeca-ship-leisure company
in case of cancellation less than 7 days before the said time, the customer is obliged to pay 100% of the reservation value to horeca-ship-leisure company<

Only in very special cases of cancellation, we are prepared to provide a voucher for the already made payment; However this is a case-by-case basis and the final decision lies with us. At least € 25 then changes etc.,--handling fee calculated.

Complete UVH

Terms of payment

(Payments are always in advance and/or on the day of package either by payment in advance (Internet banking, debit authorization), through Web shop (ideal, paypal, instant bank transfer, mr cash), cash, ATM card, credit card (Commission). The so-called pay on invoice is not possible, no exceptions will be made

Online booked boats/package-deals etc.

Boat rental online:
!!! At late arrive, the right to a refund of the rent paid; Fifteen minutes after the START TIME ordered the booking will be cancelled without right to refund rent paid by us. Bring back boat too late after END TIME listed is per full hour passed !!!
Rain/bad weather is not a valid reason for cancellation. Return date move, money etc. is not possible. A dry alternative do we offer in the form of a roundtrip ride against the any applicable additional fee and one-time alteration costs € 5,--. Lower price is not returned.

Day rate:
If a boat, canoe for the special cheap rate is ordered, it must be picked up no later than 10:45h. From 11:00 the boat/canoe goes back in the rental and your reservation will be cancelled without refund of the rent paid. We are prepared, if necessary, on the spot against the regular hourly rate to recalculate loose (excluding change fee €5,--), subject to availability, however, this is not guaranteed and is also true only in the case of paid day rate.

Maximum persons:
The maximum number of persons named on the basis of an average weight person. If it appears that you have booked the boat and it does not suit the composition of your group/family (for example, by exceeding the maximum weight for which we are not be liable) then the employees of the boatrental can decide to cancel your booked boat and rent out another type/model at the applicable price. Do you have doubts, please check with us first.

You can hand over your (valid and original) driver's license, id card or passport as a deposit at the ticket office. In stead of a document, you can pay the deposit of €100,--per boat, payable at the ticket office.